Why a Maker space in NSB? 


It all started when…

The NSB Maker Space was the brain-child of our very own mad scientist, Kevin Para. Equipped with a lifetime’s worth of tools, 4,000 sq. ft. of workshop and a passion for creation, our Founder set off to encourage the community to get creative!

The idea started with our Founder’s passion for tiny houses. A self-proclaimed life-long learner, he always had an interest in solving problems. His tiny house design is a solution for a problem for over-sized and under-used housing. The MakerSpace was his solution for makers - young and old - to re-spark their creative genius

So far, NSB Maker Space has focused more on people, than space. Reaching out and finding people that are interested, even passionate, about “ideation”… turning ideas into cool stuff.

Kevin found that there are lot of really smart, creative people in NSB. Our little beach community has managed to attract a lot of truly remarkable people. Local businesses and officials have been very supportive as well.

So here we are.